Pomaknimo granice!

Siniparksi: Taking Care of Population Through Contemporary Dance

Siniparksi 1

Project description

This project aims to spread in Europe participative creation with the population in contemporary dance, as it provides well being thanks to body and mind expression. The challenge faced is that the European population is culturally diverse. In addition, choreographers are not taught nor used to take this fact into account. In order to offer participative creation to as many Europeans as possible, their proposals must be adapted.

Four dance companies and dance schools from France, Greece, Germany and Croatia will cooperate. This project will allow their choreographers (among them students) to exchange together about their practices. For instance: How to create? How to set the body in motion? How to involve individual creativity? How to generate group links? How to be attentive, respectful and take into account cultural specificities such as different types of movements, expression modes, group cohesion, personal space, historical dance practices and dance heritages? Then, the choreographers will challenge their practice in different cultural contexts than the ones they are used to by co-creating as foreigners with different kinds of local communities: islanders from Crete, mountaineers from the Hautes-Alpes, urbaners from Karlovac, immigrants living in Athens, exiled Ukrainians in Berlin, with or without experience in dance.... During five workshops, the choreographers will exchange with the invited communities and experiment in situ ways to co-create while taking into account their cultural diversity.

The results of the experience will be shared with other choreographers in Europe through a written pedagogic tool and tutorials. They will all include the participants’ and the choreographers’ feelings and learnings throughout the experience. This will encourage and diffuse participative and creative artistic proposals taking into account Cultural Rights, for the benefit of the whole European population.


- Transnational creation and circulation

